Friday, January 4, 2013

Ugh, 2 Days, No Full Workout!

So, it is day 3.  I've had a few ups and a few downs. Well, one down really. I'll start with the ups: I managed to stay under my calorie intake yesterday by 49 calories. I was very happy about that. All three of my meals were healthy, another good thing.  Just because I was under the calorie limit, does not mean that I had to eat healthy, but this is what I had: for breakfast I had 2 slices of whole wheat toast and as a snack I had a carrot.  For lunch I had tuna with 5 crackers and applesauce. My next snack was an orange. For dinner, I had turkey tacos. I stopped eating by 6:15, which was another accomplishment. I tend to go for dessert at about 7:00.  My breakfast, lunch and snacks are the same for today, minus the orange.  I kept the applesauce for my snack instead.

Now the down: I fell asleep at 8:00, while waiting for my little girl to go to sleep. I was exhausted from not sleeping the night before and from being sick. I had a pretty bad headache and so I decided to close my eyes for just a minute. Next thing I knew, it was 10:10 p.m, head ache still there. Then I must have went back to sleep pretty quick because the next time I woke up, it was 2:00 a.m. Because of this, I did not get my workout in.  The night before I didn't manage a full workout, so now I am two days behind.

Is the above an excuse for not working out? I don't know. I do know that I fell asleep unintentionally. I can say, however, that I sometimes just go to bed when my child goes to bed, because sleep sounds really good over working out. That was not my intention last night. I really do like working out, and I sleep better after it. I was really hoping to get one in.  The good thing is that my cough has finally died down and is very minimal, and I am not exhausted, so far, because of the 10 hours of sleep.

My goal tonight is to do a full workout. My weekend goal? To continue to eat healthy and get in another 2 workouts.  Weekends are the hardest for me because I tend to eat when I'm bored. I need to condition myself into knowing when my body is hungry and when it is just out of boredom that I'm seeking food.

For now, that is all. =) Enjoy the rest of your day!

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