Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I am off of work today and home sick.  The second time I have been sick this winter.  It really sucks.  I went at least 3 years without getting sick. Then last year I got a doozy, strep, bronchitis and a sinus infection all in one. This year it has just been a minor chest cold, x 2. 

My blogging always lacks when I am home. My kiddo wants all of my attention and I give it to her.  She usually gets whatever she wants.  I even feel like my eating sucks when I am home, but I still track it and I am starting to find that I am eating okay.  I do feel much fuller now, which is good.  However, I have been taking that feeling as if I am overeating at lunch, when I am home.  I need to get used to it.

Good news, aside from being sick, I have lost 12.6 lbs! YAY!!!!! I also made my "Lbs lost" and "Lbs to lose" jars.  I like being able to move the marbles over!! It is a great feeling.  I fit into a dress that I haven't been able to zip up in years.  I have been wanting to wear it, so I wore it to work.  I have since decided that It isn't a real pretty dress so I am going to dump it.  I have lots of other clothes in my closet I'd like to fit into again!

Well,I need to go rest while I can.  I have a few hours before the kiddo gets home from school, which means I will not be able to get much rest, even though I'm sick, once she is here.

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