Thursday, January 3, 2013

No More Excuses!!!

It's a new year...and a new me. At least that is my goal.  I've had many resolutions go through  my mind for 2013, all the usual ones of course, "I'm losing weight, going to be more healthy, save money", blah blah blah. When I started thinking of all of these, the first thought I had was that they were unattainable. I know myself. I procrastinate, I'm lazy, I'm a careless spender. Then my friend Snow introduced me to the "No Excuse" Program that Maria Kang is doing through her website and facebook, etc.  After reading about her and all that she accomplishes I got motivated.  If I really want anything in life, there is no reason why I can't obtain it, just excuses I come up with to stop me from believing. I decided it is time to end my love affair with food and to stop making excuses as to why I'm still fat. (The money thing, I'll have to work on separately)

I changed my way of thinking. Snow and I made a pact. We are doing Maria's program together. We are each others support to stay on track, because truth is, if I didn't have support, I'd lose my steam fast. We started January 1. Yesterday (the second), one of my best friends in the whole wide world, (aside from Snow) sent me a link to her blog that she started.  She started it to document her weight loss and hold herself accountable. I read it and thought...oh my god, this is amazing. Trish is one of the bravest people I know, putting this journey out there for the world to see.  Then she posted it to Facebook and Snow saw the post, got inspired and decided to start her own blog, documenting the same process.  Now what kind of friend would I be, if I didn't jump on the blogging bandwagon and document my weight loss journey with them?  Their blogging is just the support I need and writing about my journey will keep me going longer than I thought possible and hopefully will support them and keep them on the right track as well. At least that is the goal. 

This is going to be a hard journey for me. I won't make any assumption that it will be easy.  I love chips and salsa and mexican food in general.  I love sweets around that time of the month and my mom is a pastry chef who is often catering to those needs, making creme brulee and cheesecakes in abundance (not to mention the cookies).  I grew up on fast food and junk food, as many people my age did when they were kids.  At the time, our family didn't have much time for making dinner, or making sure things were healthy.  Obesity wasn't as big of a problem as it is today also. By the time I was in my teens I was overweight. My weight fluctuated but I have never been a size 3, or a size 5, 7 or 9 for that matter either.  I don't aspire to be those sizes. I would be happy with a 10, I think.

Before I found out I was pregnant I was the thinnest I had been in a long time. I wish I could say I loved my body then, but I still had some issues with accepting it.  I got pregnant and ended up gaining 71 lbs.  (yeah, it was shocking to me too). The funny thing, I barely ate the first and second trimester. The doctor attributed the weight gain to the way my body was accepting the hormones.  After giving birth I had every intention of losing every pound of it through breast feeding. That idea was shot when my baby wouldn't take.  She is 5 years old now and I've only  managed to lose 40 of the 71 lbs gained.  I am currently a size 16 and xl in tops.  Some days, those pants run tight. I weighed in at 229 lbs, upset that I had gained 5 lbs over the holidays.  I am 5'8 and I carry my weight well, but I'm still fat. I still need to lose it.

My goal is to lose 60 lbs by my birthday, July 23, 2013.  If I lose 2-3 lbs a week until then, I should accomplish it in no time.  I am on day 3, trying to get through this with a cough that won't quit (Exercising sucks when you are coughing to the point of wanting to be sick). I have yet to plan out my meals far in advance, but the fact that I have done it 24 hours in advance is impressive for me.

I hope you follow me through my journey, as well as Snow's and Trish's, for our goal is the same, to be healthy and happy with our bodies in 2013.

If you'd like to read Trish's blog, you can find it here 


If you'd like to read Snow's blog, go here.

Our goal is to do this daily, even if it is a short blurb.  Have a happy 2013, I hope you achieve all of your goals as well! =)

1 comment:

  1. Very very nice!! So proud of you. We got this in the bag!!!
